Seven reasons why Endo-Fatigue causes so much trauma to its sufferers

Have you recently been tired? Have you recently been endo-tired? If yes, you’re very likely to know the difference. Explaining how you feel to the rest of the world is a different matter altogether. One online source claims that “Grinding fatigue as severe as that experienced with advanced cancer is present in most cases.” It’s accepted that the reasons for this extreme exhaustion associated with the condition are still unknown. It might be the chronic pain, it might be a hormonal imbalance. More research is needed. More awareness would help.

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Without sensation

Lying naked on the bed, covered only by a thin sheet, I wonder if I’ve lived enough. I’m in a small room. It’s cold. It’s so cold that I shiver under that scanty layer of difference between decency and exposure. The blue, low light creates surprisingly few shadows and everything feels flat and muted. I can hear voices across the wall. They sound loud, but however hard I strain, I can’t distinguish a single word.

Embarrassing Bodies

I can’t believe what I’m doing. I really can’t. There’s a part of me that is completely and utterly freaking out. All I want to do is to get out of this situation. Right now. But I also know that I need to do this. “That’s right”, coos the nurse to me. We’re in a... Continue Reading →

Top 30 Endometriosis Blogs on the web

I’m writing my blog at home. It’s an isolated activity. I don't know what reading my blog looks like from YOUR point of view. Is it useful? Is it helping? Are your experiences similar to mine? Getting feedback is all about understanding that. So I’m very pleased that my blog Surviving Endometriosis was selected by... Continue Reading →

Panic at the IVF clinic

“Oh no!” I’m bawling, “I sat by the fire for five minutes. I just didn’t think.” “You did what? I don’t understand. Calm down and tell me what happened.” “Bwaaaaaaaa, I sat bwa bwa bwa by the fire.” He’s looking at me puzzled. I’m now at a fully blown crying fit. You see, seven days... Continue Reading →

Endometriosis, dermoids, and evil twins

“Yes, here it is. Yes, it does look like a dermoid cyst.”

I emerge from behind the screen. I must be looking a bit worried, because she reassures me keenly that “they’re not that uncommon”, “it’s nothing to worry about really”, and I should “google it”.

Back home, I’m on my iPad googling.


Wikipedia – because let’s be properly scientific about this – informs me that a dermoid cyst is a teratoma of a cystic nature that contains an array of developmentally mature, solid tissues.

A solid cyst? Ok. Doesn’t sound that bad. It’s a what? A teratoma? I google that.


2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here's an excerpt: Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 61,000 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people... Continue Reading →

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